

Before starting you will need Python 3.4 or newer. You need to have numpy, scipy, and pip installed and we recommend installing Anaconda/Miniconda for your desired Python version.

There are a couple of optional components of pySOT that needs to be installed manually:

  1. py-earth: Implementation of MARS. Can be installed using:

    pip install six http://github.com/scikit-learn-contrib/py-earth/tarball/master


    git clone git://github.com/scikit-learn-contrib/py-earth.git
    cd py-earth
    pip install six
    python setup.py install
  2. mpi4py: This module is necessary in order to use pySOT with MPI. Can be installed through pip:

    pip install mpi4py

    or through conda (Anaconda/Miniconda) where it can be channeled with your favorite MPI implementation such as mpich:

    conda install --channel mpi4py mpich mpi4py


There are currently two ways to install pySOT:

  1. (Recommended) The easiest way to install pySOT is through pip in which case the following command should suffice:

    pip install pySOT
  2. The other option is cloning the repository and installing.

2.1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/dme65/pySOT
2.2. Navigate to the repository using:
cd pySOT
2.3. Install pySOT (you may need to use sudo for UNIX):
python setup.py install

Several examples are available in ./pySOT/examples and ./pySOT/notebooks