Surrogate optimizationΒΆ

Surrogate optimization algorithms generally consist of four components:

  1. Strategy: Algorithm for choosing new evaluations after the experimental design has been evaluated.
  2. Experimental design: Generates an initial set of points for building the initial surrogate model
  3. Surrogate model: Approximates the underlying objective function. Common choices are RBFs, GPs, MARS, etc.
  4. Optimization problem: All of the available information about the optimization problem, e.g., dimensionality, variable types, objective function, etc.

The surrogate model (or response surfaces) is used to approximate an underlying function that has been evaluated for a set of points. During the optimization phase information from the surrogate model is used in order to guide the search for improved solutions, which has the advantage of not needing as many function evaluations to find a good solution.

The general framework for a Surrogate Optimization algorithm is illustrated in the algorithm below:

Inputs: Optimization problem, Experimental design, Optimization strategy, Surrogate model, Stopping criterion

Generate an initial experimental design
Evaluate the points in the experimental design
Build a Surrogate model from the data
Repeat until stopping criterion met
   Use the strategy to generate new point(s) to evaluate
   Evaluate the point(s) generated using all computational resources
   Update the Surrogate model

Outputs: Best solution and its corresponding function value

Typically used stopping criteria are a maximum number of allowed function evaluations (used in this toolbox), a maximum allowed CPU time, or a maximum number of failed iterative improvement trials.